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Savings & Checking Rates

Rates effective as of 1/27/2025
TypeMinimum to Earn RateRateAPY*
Regular Savings$250.15%0.15%*
Life Savings$250.03%0.03%*
Checking Plus$5000.10%0.10%*
Business Checking Plus$5000.10%0.10%*
IRA Deposit (Traditional, Roth, Coverdell)$n/a0.15%0.15%*
Club Account ³ (Christmas, Vacation)$250.15%0.15%*
Mortgage Escrow$n/a0.20%0.20%*

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates subject to change any time without notice. Fees may reduce earnings on the account.

Money Market Rates

Rates effective as of 1/27/2025
BalanceMinimum to Earn RateRateAPY*
$0 - $499.99$n/a0.00%0.00%*
$500 - $2,499.99$5000.10%0.10%*
$2,500 - $9,999.99$2,5000.25%0.25%*
$10,000 - $49,999.99$10,0000.50%0.50%*
$50,000 +$50,0001.00%1.00%*

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates subject to change any time without notice. Fees may reduce earnings on the account.

Share Certificate Rates

Rates effective as of 1/27/2025
TypeMinimum DepositRateAPY**
90 Day$1,0003.85%3.91%**
06 Month$1,0003.90%3.96%**
09 Month$1,0003.95%4.01%**
12 Month$5004.00%4.06%**
18 Month$5003.90%3.96%**
24 Month$5003.75%3.80%**
30 Month$5003.65%3.70%**
36 Month$5003.55%3.60%**
48 Month$5003.40%3.44%**

**APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Penalties apply for early withdrawal. Rates subject to change any time without notice. Fees may reduce earnings on the account.

IRA Certificate Rates

Rates effective as of 1/27/2025
TypeMinimum DepositRateAPY**
12 Month - Traditional, Roth or Coverdell$1,0003.95%4.01%**
30 Month - Traditional, Roth or Coverdell$1,0003.60%3.65%**
48 Month - Traditional or Roth$1,0003.35%3.39%**

**APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Penalties apply for early withdrawal. Rates subject to change any time without notice. Fees may reduce earnings on the account.

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  • Absolutely love this Credit Union in Jefferson. This has been my very first Credit Union. I have always had just regular Bank accounts, and now would never switch back to a Bank. Helpful and extremely wonderful staff I have ever seen. Thank You County City Credit Union!

    Patty O.

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